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From Your President

April 2024

From Your President…

As Spring blossoms all around us, I am deeply inspired by the dedication of our educators as they help our students grow in our education community every single day. This time of year fills me with an immense pride as we begin to witness the fruits of our collective labor. Probationary 3 teachers are soon becoming contract teachers. Educators are
being recognized as Crystal Apple Award winners. Under your guidance, our students are not just thriving but excelling, leading to the development of award-winning programs. This is a testament to your genuine care for our students and your dedication to our noble profession. Your hard work is not just noticed; it is truly appreciated and valued.

During my site visits, I’ve gained valuable insights into the challenges you face carrying out your roles effectively and efficiently on a daily basis. It’s truly a privilege to witness firsthand the exceptional commitment of our educators, consistently going above and beyond to meet the needs of our students.

As your HEA President, I am deeply committed to supporting your needs so that you can continue to make a difference in the lives of our students. Our Bargaining Team is working diligently to amplify your voices. We are addressing your concerns brought forward via HEA Office Hours, listening sessions, surveys, and site visits, just to name a few. Thank you for your unwavering dedication and support, as well as your active participation in shaping our collective journey toward better educator working conditions and student learning conditions. We are Stronger, Together!

In Solidarity,
Mary Kay Babcock,
HEA President | she/her/ella

March 2024

From Your President…

As we continue our journey of celebrating and honoring Women’s History Month, I want to share with you additional resources that will enrich your lesson plans and inspire our students with the remarkable achievements of women throughout history. Women’s History Month for the Classroom.

These resources not only provide valuable insights into the struggles and triumphs of women but also serve as a testament to their resilience, creativity, and unwavering determination to shape a better world for generations to come.

In the spirit of renewal and rejuvenation, I wish each and every one of you a happy and safe spring break. May this time bring relaxation and enjoyment as we prepare to return with renewed energy to complete the school year.

In Solidarity,
Mary Kay Babcock,
HEA President | she/her/ella

January 2024

Happy NEW Year!

I am grateful to you, our dedicated and active members for participating in the HEA Bargaining Survey. Your collective action and voices have provided us with your priorities that are shaping our negotiations. Our bargaining team is working hard to analyze the data and carefully read every comment that provides valuable insights to the issues that matter most to our members.

To show solidarity, join us by proudly wearing BLUE on bargaining days, and stay informed about negotiation updates and events by staying connected with your building’s Contract Action Team (CAT) Organizer. If your building does not have a CAT Organizer, consider this important role to keep your building informed and engaged.

In the spirit of unity and inspiration, let’s reflect on the words of Martin Luther King Jr., a champion of the Civil Rights and Labor movements. His legacy, echoing 54 years after his assassination, emphasizes the strength of labor unions in collective voice, action and power. “If we are united together, we win!” Here’s to a year of solidarity and progress!

In Solidarity,
Mary Kay Babcock,
HEA President | she/her/ella

November 2023

Happy American Education Week! Now more than ever we know that an encouraging word to an education support professional, a bus driver, a food services worker, or your favorite substitute will help us all to feel connected, appreciated and valued. I appreciate you and all that you do every single day.

I am honored to be your president and I am so very proud of our union, our solidarity and our work that we do for students, their families and our community. We are a collaborative voice that will continue to make a difference in our profession.


In Solidarity,
Mary Kay Babcock,
HEA President | she/her/ella

October 2023

We recognize that Oregon educators, from every career path enter the profession because we’re passionate about our work, and we love helping students grow and THRIVE, but there are some issues with our jobs that can feel
like they’re out of control, the kinds of issues that everyone agrees needs to be addressed but no one person can change on their own.

Being a member of the union helps us band together and create a collective voice that includes all licensed staff members. When we speak together as a union, we have a voice that cannot be ignored, which means our issues get addressed and education in Hillsboro changes for the better!

Traditionally, bargaining years provide more opportunities for our members to get involved and engaged with our bargaining team during contract negotiations. One must be a member to complete our bargaining survey and provide input on how to improve our contract. This is a survey you don’t want to miss! One must be a member to participate on
our Contract Action Team, known as CAT. One must be a member to observe bargaining negotiations. If you’re not yet a member, we welcome you to join us in solidarity to achieve the greatest contract that benefits all our licensed staff.

We are looking for “point members” called CAT Organizers at each school. CAT Organizers must be HEA members. Here is a job description and interest survey form. The goal is to overload the Zoom capacity with an HEA virtual presence to show solidarity and in turn strengthen your HEA Bargaining Team and our future contract.

In Solidarity,
Mary Kay Babcock,
HEA President | she/her/ella

September 2023

From Your President…

It’s contract bargaining time! Our current HEA Contract has a duration of July 1, 2021- June 30, 2024, and will therefore expire at the end of this school year. We typically begin bargaining for our successor agreement in February or March of the expiration year with the hope of having a new contract ratified before the end of the school year.

In the event that we don’t settle the contract before June 14, 2024, the current contract will remain status quo. What this means for our members is that all current contract terms will apply, including one’s movement to the next salary step after July 1 if they are eligible. It is our desire to begin earlier this year by meeting to establish rules and expectations and begin bargaining in January with the goal of ratifying our contract by the end of this school year.

As the HEA Bargaining Team is getting ready to negotiate the full contract they need members to support them. In 2021, with the support of the Contract Action Team (CAT), your HEA bargaining team was able to make over 70 improvements to the contract language. CAT made a huge impact on the bargaining outcome by communicating directly with our bargaining team and simply showing up to support the negotiations process.

We are looking for “point members” called CAT Organizers at each school. CAT Organizers must be HEA members. Here is a job description and interest survey form. The goal is to overload the Zoom capacity with an HEA virtual presence to show solidarity and in turn strengthen your HEA Bargaining Team and our future contract.

In Solidarity,
Mary Kay Babcock,
HEA President | she/her/ella