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2019 May Election: School Board Endorsements


School Board Candidates Endorsed

As the Voters’ Pamphlet is arriving in mailboxes now, the following endorsements for the school board election on May 21 have been made by the OEA-PAC Board, based upon recommendations by the local associations:

Bend-LaPine School Board
Pos 1:  Skidmore
Pos 3:  Shimiko Montgomery
Pos 5:  Amy Tatom

Lane Community College Board

Pos 7:  Lisa Fragala 

Mt Hood Community College Board
Zone 3:  Andrew Speer
Zone 5:  Kenney Polson
Zone 7:  LaVerne Lewis


Bethel School Board
Pos 6:  Robin Zygaitis


Eugene School Board
Pos 1:  Alicia Hayes
Pos 4:  Gordon Lafer
Pos 5:  Martina Shabram
Pos 7:  Mary Walston

Portland School Board
Zone 2:  Michelle DePass
Zone 3:  Amy Kohnstamm
Zone 7:  Eilidh Lowery

Forest Grove School Board
Pos 4:  Kate Grandusky
Pos 5:  Narce Rodriguez

Salem-Keizer School Board
Zone 2:  Raul Marquez Guerrero
Zone 4:  David Salinas
Zone 6:  Chuck Lee

Hillsboro School Board
Pos 4:  See Eun Kim
Pos 5:  Lisa Allen
Pos 7:  Yadira Martinez

Tigard Tualatin School Board
Pos 2 Ben Bowman


Be sure to mail your ballot soon so that it arrives at the election office no later than May 21.