Dear Building Reps –
Welcome back to another school year and thank you for adding your valuable support to our union by being a building rep. This job is so important – we couldn’t do what we do without you!
Each year, our UniServ Council (a larger body who helps us with support and programs) offers a 1.5 day training for reps to get new skills, refine old ones, gather info, meet new folks and have fun.
This year we will be at our UniServ Office, the union office as you all know it, on Friday afternoon, the 21st of September, and finishing at 2 p.m. on Saturday the 22nd.
Trainings range from Nuts and Bolts and Essential Representation Skills for new or untrained reps, and a brief Membership Communication section which all reps will find super useful in our new world, and also we will have three “enrichment” classes for our experienced reps including Working with your Principal; Deep Dive into your Building Organization, and Get to Know your Contract Even Better.
New or previously untrained reps will start out on Friday afternoon at the union office at 1 (we pay for the 1/2 day sub) and go until 4:30 at which time we will all convene to Rock Creek Tavern in Helvetia for a fun evening of food, drink and socializing.
All reps will gather at 9 a.m. on Saturday morning for an all member session, then we divide into the various sessions. There is a food cart lunch at noon and training is done at 2 p.m.
We really hope to see you there – reps have found this training super helpful in the past.